Rev. Greg Haroutounian

Teaching Elder

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous; do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Whether in San Francisco, Washington D.C., St. Petersburg, Chicago, Fresno, Beirut or Boston, God has always kept His word! Wherever, whenever—in everything He has repeatedly proven that He is good and that He’s going to get His way.

This has been the story of my life. Even though it wasn’t until I was fourteen that God convinced me that He knew who I was and cared, when He did, I believed. I believed He had sent His Son, Jesus, to save me from my sin. Since that time He has filled me with an insatiable hunger for His word and a desire to follow Him wholeheartedly. Responding to Christ changed my life then and continues to transform me: When you make a decision, that decision will turn around and make you.

I learned the basics of the Christian life through the Navigators at ministry Stanford University and developed a love for Biblical preaching in my church. After graduation, I headed east to work on Capitol Hill as a Legislative Assistant. I loved it! But volunteering in my church’s youth ministry, God confirmed His calling on my life through the elders of my church. They affirmed my gifting to pastor and to teach His word effectively and urged me to pursue further training in seminary (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School).

For the last thirty years as I’ve worked among Armenian Evangelicals, the Lord has not only fueled my passion to see more and more Armenians become faithful followers of Christ, but at the same time expanded my heart for all the peoples of the Middle East wherever they reside.

Apart from Jesus Christ, God’s greatest blessing to me is my wife, Sossy, and our children Mark, Ani & Alexan. We both come from close-knit Armenian families, mine from the USA and hers from Ainjar, Lebanon. Our children enjoy the gift of a bicultural & bilingual family.

I love to learn! I love to run! I love Yosemite! I love people and I love to travel!

I look forward to following Christ together with you … wherever He leads us!


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